

This talk, MAKING PLACES: WORKING WITH PEOPLE AND THEIR HIGH STREETS, will present case studies at different scales to illustrate how they work within town centres. This will include Y&M live project at Filwood Community Centre in Knowle West, our work in Luton’s Hat District Cultural Quarter—re-modelling listed hat factories into a new community hub and workspace —and high street projects in Thornton Heath, London.


An article in The Times about Historic England Heritage Action Zone projects and how they revive the dilapidated High Streets in outer London boroughs, featuring our work in Woolwhich High Street:


Thrilled to announce that we'll be working with Hayhurst & Co on the £10m Filwood Community Centre refurbishment! The two stage competition also included entries from AOC, RCKa and IF_DO. 

See full article in AJ here


Together with Bath & North East Somerset Council and Historic England,  we'll be delivering shopfront improvements within the High Street Heritage Action Zone (more information here). Intial shops selected to take forward include Grade II listed Pure Taste (11 High Street), Nisi Greek Taverna (125 High Street) and Somer Press (South Road). 


Great to see our Luton airport AVALON cafe taking shape on site.

Fabric ceiling by textile designer Georgia Bosson is all in place, lighting is up and furniture is arriving! 


All of our Phase 1 Woolwich Heritage Action Zone shops have been awarded planning!!  The project has a sensitive, heritage-led approach reinstating original features and proportions, working closely with local businesses on the co-design of their improved frontages.


Jointly with Turner.Works, we will deliver a mix of new and improved shopfronts to First Choice Cafe and Charles Dance on Hare Street, and Artfix, Virtue Specs, Xposed Fashion, Soneva Beauty and Castle Tavern on Powis Street.  



We delighted to announce that we will be working on two Heritage Action Zones, delivering High Street Improvements within Woolwich and Keynsham! See Woolwich project page and Keynsham project page for more info.



We are thrilled to be appointed as the meanwhile and activation consultants on Shrub Hill's Spatial Blueprint.   We will be working with Worcestershire County Council, Worcester City Council, PRD and stakeholders to bring forward the regeneration of this critical city centre site within Worcester, working with our partners AR Urbanism, Steer, Expedition, and Authentic Futures


Hat Works practical completion & hand-over ceremony! Proud to have worked with collaborators @fleetarchitects and amazing client @culturetrustuk @historicengland @heritagefunduk on Luton's oldest Grade II listed Hat Factory - now to become creative workspaces and a reception gallery space into Luton's @thehatdistrict

Looking forward to #hatdistrictcreativepioneers moving in and making this place their creative home!

Read full press release here:

(photo credit: Shaun Armstrong


Come + see our proposals for Bromley High Street from Wednesday 17th Feb displayed outside the Central Library. This exhibition showcases the public realm improvements to Bromley High Street, designed in collaboration with Turner.Works. Designs are currently in planning and will be delivered during Summer 2021.

For digital copy of the exhibition click here
