Public House

InTRANSIT Festival Public Art Commission
An interactive installation for London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's InTRANSIT Art and Performance Festival (18th-27th July 2014). You&me in collaboration with artist Zoe Fudge have been commissioned to design this year's focal installation at the festival's site in Acklam Village, Portobello Rd London.
Public House is part City, part house - a place to collect and discuss ideas about our home, the City.
The proposal combines a series of interactive components that create scaled versions of characteristic elements within the city combined with domestic functions: a kitchen in a park; a living room on the pavement... The large scale interventions across the site allow public to inhabit a part of their public realm in a new way through familiar domestic surroundings.
The piece is in the form of a continuous table with a series of abstracted 'rooms' that respond to the spaces under the Westway. Elements of the domestic setting create publically accessible and shared spaces for eating, resting and talking whilst pondering upon and sharing ideas about dwelling in public spaces within the city.
The focal installation also provides a stage and backdrop to host the festival's wide programme of performances.