Filwood Community Centre & Library

Retrofit and extension / Stakeholder engagement & co-design
The redevelopment of this existing community centre focuses on making the building more welcoming, improving access and links to the public realm. The eco-retrofit introduces new-build elements, nearly doubling the existing footprint and expanding and intensifying current uses and programs. This includes relocating the underused library from the high street into the building.
YOU&ME have led the substantial engagement and social value programme which included: community workshops to develop brief and concepts; operator, tenant and end-user interviews; co-design workshops with young people to input into the children’s library and furniture; pilot project to test the viability of using the front garden spaces for growing and gain community ownership; concept design exhibition with free food catered by young chefs trainee scheme with over 600 people attending; shop window exhibition to gain wider reach; local history and photography community walks to inform place-making proposals; as well as regular key stakeholder steering group meetings. In addition the design team have also given work experience to 15 young people; career talk at local primary school and employment opportunities for local fabricators and caterers as well as providing local gardening and well-being events for the wider community.
The £10 million project is being delivered in collaboration with Hayhurst&Co through Levelling Up funding and is one of 6 projects within the regeneration of Filwood Broadway. The project is due for completion in 2025.